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Markitects Featured in Forbes’ “10 Ways B2B Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Sales Teams”

Forbes featured Markitects President & CEO, Francine Carb in the article, “10 Ways B2B Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Sales Teams”.

Many business-to-business (B2B) companies’ sales and marketing departments are typically competing for time, resources and accolades, but it does not have to be this way.

At Markitects, we have had tremendous success integrating our work with the goals and objectives of our clients’ sales organizations. We consider it to be a top priority and use it to gauge our overall program success. So much so, that we present our marketing program metrics to sales teams on a monthly basis at their pipeline meetings. At those meetings, we also gain valuable feedback to adjust our programs and we use that venue to ask for participation in videos and customer stories.

The following article shares 10 ways you can buck the trend and take more initiative in building ties with your or your clients’ sales teams. Try these suggestions on integrating sales and marketing teams in your organization and we are confident you will see some dramatic improvements.

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The Pros at Proconex: Protect Your Tanks

Protect your fixed roof storage tanks AND the valuable assets inside. Pressure Management General Manager, Robert Owens, and Product Champion, Kevin Burke, highlight four common scenarios that Proconex can address: overpressure or excess vacuum, protecting product quality against degradation or spoilage from outside air, flammable vapor space, and environmental regulations that restrict the amount of leakage.

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Proconex Has a Large Pilot Operated Relief Valve Inventory

Pilot operated pressure relief valves provide advanced, reliable, and efficient overpressure protection. With a track record of more than 50 years, these valves are designed for a wide range of applications, from basic to the most severe service conditions. Learn more about the Anderson Greenwood series 200, 400 pilot operated relief valves below.

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Proconex Helps Clients Navigate Their Outage Management

As one of this plant’s go-to contractors, Proconex was receiving purchase orders and service requests piecemeal—there were 72 different purchase orders and the number was growing. Proconex identified this pattern as an ‘outage event’ and recognized the opportunity to improve outcomes. Once Proconex started asking for schedules, staffing plans, and other information, it became clear that they could provide more support, coordinate efforts, and improve efficiencies.

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Fairman Group Update on Estate Planning and the New Tax Bill

Fairman Group Family Office offers changes that you should be aware of regarding estate taxes with the new Tax Bill. This article focuses on increased estate & gift tax exclusions, as well as additional estate & income tax planning opportunities. For over 15 years Fairman Group has been providing financial planning, investment advisory, tax preparation and tax planning services to individuals and families in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

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HCC Partners Publishes Important Questions for Succession Planning

In most organizations today, Succession Planning is taken too narrowly, where it only applies to key roles or the C-Suite; however, Succession Planning should be part of an overall “talent plan”. What most companies need is more of an organizational roadmap—backed by the commitment of the leadership team—to develop, mentor and otherwise plan for replacement of key roles at every level in the organization.

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The Pros at Proconex: Reviewing Your Pressure Relief Systems

When it’s time to review your pressure relief systems, you can count on the Pros at Proconex. Pressure Management General Manager, Robert Owens, and Product Champion, Austin Wilkinson, highlight three common scenarios that often arise from a pressure relief system evaluation, as well as the Proconex solutions that can address these problems. Watch the video below to learn more.

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NCCPAP Releases an IRS NPL Update

NCCPAP President, Steve Mankowski, recently attended the May 2018 IRS NPL meeting, which covered Strategic Planning, an RPO Update, Cybersecurity and more. Check back soon for the recap of the June 2018 meeting, which will be taking place on June 21.

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Markitects Featured in Forbes’ “15 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Between Team Members and Clients”

Forbes features Francine Carb, President & CEO of Markitects in their article, “15 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Between Team Members and Clients”. This topic is extremely important to us at Markitects, as we pride ourselves on communicating with our clients as much as possible. We value our close relationships with our clients and strive to meet their needs effectively and efficiently. Look for Francine’s response on page 3!

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