Be True to Meis Van der Rohe:
Less is More
When it comes to creative choice, there is no ‘one right answer.’ How a client interprets a new logo, for example, emerges from that individual’s unique experiences, knowledge, and context. Overall, we seem to lack a common vocabulary to truly describe those likes and dislikes, so we thought it apt to take on the subject of Creative Choice—and The Lack Thereof.
As an agency, we are constantly challenged to find the perfect balance between abstract ideas and concrete results. For instance, creating a distinctive website that fits well with the client and their industry, while also standing out from the crowd, can be a challenge. Even something seemingly simple like developing a tagline that enhances a company name can take weeks to develop, refine, and perfect. Because there is no ‘one right answer,’ creative choice can lead you down a multitude of paths—none of which really work.
So, how do agencies like ours navigate this complex tangle of creativity? We use the powerful compass of “less is more.”